Upgrades Begin
- July 27th, 2019
- By PC
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Yesterday I spent an enjoyable couple of hours with Paul, Ollie, Ben and Nat at the QuickSilver Exhaust Design Centre in Witley as together we began the process of designing a proper Alpine sports exhaust to replace the EU nannied OEM unit to give the A110 an exhaust to be proud of. An additional aim of the project is to loose weight and help unleash the engines full potential alongside the Litchfield engine remap due in September which will take the car to 310+bhp and giving her a sub 4 second 0-60 time and a sub 9 second 0-100 time.
This being the first time that they had got their hands on a A110, it was like watching kids in a candy store. They whipped off the rear diffuser, had a good poke around, did measurements, took pictures, took sound readings and then put it all back together. Next steps will be the design process using CAD. They will then have the car for 1-2 weeks during August and at the end of it all we should have something that sounds like an 70’s/80’s B Class rally car.
Once up on the ramp we also found a few surprises along the way. One being that many of the key nuts and bolts had been painted and colour coded to their final torque positions which is standard motorsport practice. This just shows the love and attention to detail that Alpine apply when hand building each of their cars… impressive. Two there are elliptical camber bolts built into the wishbone suspension mounting points ready to change the wheel angle on all four corners for track use. Three we also found the body had been signed too.